Leadership Case Studies (preview)

This volume is a collection of case studies by University of Northern Iowa's Master of Public Policy (MPP) graduate students, as well as undergraduate students studying leadership and management in public service. It is our hope that these case studies can be used as teaching and learning tools, as a deep-dive into leadership theory and practice.

Some details within the case studies, which are a combination of fiction and non-fiction, have been changed to protect privacy. Some student authors have chosen to remain anonymous or publish under a pseudonym.

Final publication forthcoming in 2025.

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Chapter 1: Trait Theory of Leadership

Chapter 2: Skills Theory of Leadership

Chapter 3: Behavioral Leadership Theory

Chapter 4: Path-Goal Leadership Theory

Chapter 5: Situational Leadership Theory

Chapter 6: Transformational Leadership Theory

Chapter 7: Servant Leader Theory

Chapter 8: Writing Teaching Cases as a Learning Tool

Back Matter


  • publisher
    Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa
  • publisher place
    Cedar Falls, IA
  • rights
    Cases are individually licensed with each author's selected Creative Commons license. Front and back matter are licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.