Media and Power

Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, and Catherine Helen Palczewski

This handbook guides students through concepts, content, and exercises that help them develop media literacy by understanding media and power. The authors want students to not only gain the ability to critically analyze the languages and discourses – textual, visual, audio, and code – that people use to create and interpret media content, but also to understand the overarching context: media possess immense power in contemporary societies around the world.

The current version is a preview of some chapters. Remaining chapters are forthcoming in 2025.

Ideal Aesthetics, 9” screenprint 12” x 9” 2017, is a work of print art by Dana Potter used with her permission. More of her work can be found at: All rights reserved.


Module 00: Front Matter and Introduction

Module 01: Construction of Meaning

Module 2: Construction of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity

Module 03: Construction of Truth


  • publisher
    Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa. Funding for this project was provided through the UNI Textbook Equity Mini-Grant Program.
  • publisher place
    Cedar Falls, IA
  • restrictions
    Cover image: All rights reserved
  • rights
    CC BY-SA 4.0
  • rights holder
    Bettina Fabos, Christopher R. Martin, & Catherine Helen Palczewski