Critical Writing about Literature
This free custom textbook includes openly-licensed and public domain works for the University of Northern Iowa course ENGLISH 2120: Critical Writing about Literature. It introduces readers to the knowledge and skills necessary to critically read, interpret, and analyze literature. The editor--Dr. Erika L. Bass--chose these readings to orient readers to important concepts and literature genres, as well as develop writing skills. While these chapters were chosen from other OER textbooks, I took care in selecting the chapters that are relevant to course objectives and will help students transfer skills from one class to the next, regardless of major.
Editor: Dr. Erika Bass
Cover design credit: Connor Olson, University of Northern Iowa.
A. Front Matter
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B. Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking
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C. Reading and Analyzing Fiction
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D. Reading and Analyzing Poetry
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E. Literary Criticism: An Introduction
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F. Reading and Analyzing Drama
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G. Back Matter
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- publisherRod Library, University of Northern Iowa
- rightsFor rights & restrictions, see Licensing statement in Front Matter
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