Mindful Technical Writing: An Introduction to the Fundamentals

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“An open textbook designed for use in co-requisite course pairings of developmental writing and introductory technical writing, or indeed in other lower-division college writing courses that focus on building study skills alongside effective workplace and academic writing skills. It offers a no-cost alternative to commercial products, combining practical guidance with interactive exercises and thoughtfully designed writing opportunities.”

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Authors: Dawn Atkinson, Stacey Corbitt

Formats available: digital (free)

Sections by topic:

  • Citation practices: “Unit IV: Working with Sources” – pp. 147-195
  • Collaborative writing: “Working with Others” – pp. 292-306
  • Document design: “Unit III: Attending to Design” – pp. 126-146
  • Giving presentations: “Delivering Presentations” – pp. 524-533
  • Organizational strategies: “Unit II: Writing Documents” – pp. 69-125
  • Report genres: “Writing Incident Reports” – pp. 505-514, “Writing Progress Reports” – pp. 515-523
  • Secondary research: “Unit V: Conducting Research” – pp. 196-231
  • Style: “Unit II: Writing Documents” – pp. 69-125
  • Writing process: “Using Writing Processes” - pp. 52-67