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“Scanning Guide” in “RICOH Scanner Guide”
RICOH Scanner Guide
Preparing the Documents to Scan
- All requested scans that the researcher gives should be turned perpendicular within the folder.
- The archivist should be able to give you more details or walk you through any part of the scanning process that may be different or unique to this scanning request.
- Keep the documents perpendicular in the folders until you are done scanning and renaming all the documents. This is just for us to make sure we don’t lose the documents we need to scan.
- It is important that you keep the documents in the folder in their order. Do not change the order of the files, records, or photographs.
Sending Scans to SharePoint
- Place document on scanner. If possible, try to fit it into the top left corner of the scanner. Close lid over document if you can.
- If there are paper clips or binder clips, remove them before scanning.
- If there are staples that are impeding your ability to scan a document, remove them before scanning. If you are having difficulty removing them, talk to an archivist.
- Select ‘Scanner’ on home screen.
- Select the ‘Folder’ tab and select the ‘[00001] Archives’ box.
- This will make sure that the scan is sent directly to the ‘scans’ folder in Sharepoint.
- Press the ‘Start’ button. It is a rectangular button off the touch screen.
- If you are scanning a packet, you will have about 60 seconds to place the other pieces of the document on the scanner and press the ‘start’ button. This will save all those scans as one file.
- When you are done scanning a document, you can press the ‘#’ button. The ‘#’ button is what officially sends the file to the ‘scans’ folder, and it is what separates the scans into separate files.
- If you have more material to scan after you pressed the ‘#’ button, you will have to reselect the ‘Folder’ tab and reselect the ‘[00001] Archives’ box.
Scan Settings
- The scanner’s default settings are to auto select the size. It will beep and give you a warning if it cannot detect what size the document is.
- If that is the case, select ‘Scan Settings’ on the left side of the scan screen.
- Select the ‘Scan Size’ tab and select the size that would fit the document best. Select ‘OK’ and select the ‘Start’ button for it to scan the document.
- The scanner’s default settings for color and type of document are ‘B&W: Text / Line Art.’ This will work for most typed and hand-written documents.
- If the scan needs to be in color, select ‘Scan Settings’ on the left side of the scan screen.
- The ‘Original Type’ tab should already be open. Select the type and color selection that best matches the document type. Make sure that you select ‘Full Color: Glossy Photo’ for any document in a sleeve.
- The scanner’s default settings for DPI is 300. This is typically the DPI or resolution that researchers will request. A higher DPI would be necessary to create posters or possibly graphic design projects.
- If there is a different DPI needed, select ‘Scan Settings’ on the left side of the scan screen.
- Select ‘Resolution’ and select the necessary DPI. If the DPI needs to be higher, it will need to be done on the other flatbed scanner.
Finding the Scanned Files in SharePoint
- The scanned files will be sent to the scans folder in Sharepoint. You can access it from the link or through the following process: University Library>>Archives>>scans
- If you do not have access to this folder, ask an archivist.
- Each file will be automatically assigned a number. To find the scans you just did, select ‘Modified’ and select ‘Newer to Older.’ This will bring the most recent scans to the top of the list.
Renaming, Editing, and Sharing Files
- Go through each file and see if there are any edits that need to be made. This includes rotating a page, adjusting brightness, cropping, etc. You will most likely need to download the file to edit and then reupload/replace the file in the SharePoint folder. Utilize Adobe for editing.
- Move scans to the correct Student Projects folder, and rename it according to the following file naming convention: Series#_Box#Folder#_item#/description (Example: SS024_B92F3_AATMinutes).
- If you are doing a scan for a researcher or a one-time scan request that is not connected to a larger project you are working on, put that scan in the folder entitled 00_Scans_StudentWorkers, and share the link in the comment of the task on the Student Projects List on Teams. Make sure to change the name of the file following this file naming convention: Series#_Box#Folder#_item#/description (Example: SS024_B92F3_AATMinutes).
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